Try Me!

And i feel like i’m living the ordinary way.
The common thing everyone would do at their period of time.

Entah ya, saya pikir banyak orang yang ngerasa terjebak dalam kerjaannya. Mimpinya sih pengen live their dream job, tapi ujung-ujungnya stuck in their job. Emang udah paling bisa perusahaan ngasih iming-iming fasilitas keren, gaji gede, dan jaminan kehidupan enak lainnya. Sebenernya hal-hal macam itu yang bikin banyak orang stuck in their job. Mungkin. 

Apa yang saya jalani sekarang bener-bener common routine yang dijalani sama banyak orang.
Pergi pagi, pulang malam, dan begitu setiap hari.


As anak baru, saya masih dalam rangka beradaptasi sama ritme kerja, lingkungan kerja, sama business proses yang akan terus saya hadapi, dan semuanya, termasuk berbagai macam jenis tekanan setiap harinya. In order to find enjoynya saya dan nyamannya kerja.

I’m trying to enjoy it. I do it harder, everyday. Sampe akhirnya saya menyadari kalo saya punya atasan yang actually sangat care dan sangat punya capability untuk mem-build up saya dengan super great great treatment.

Hello baby, membuat bijih besi sampai jadi besi yang siap pakai dan kuat itu nggak gampang. Sebagus-bagusnya material, kalo nggak di treatment dengan rangkaian proses yang sangat panjang dan *ehem* menyakitkan, nggak bakal jadi produk yang bisa dipake tuh. Thats why, in this case, my life, the heartbeat, is being more fragile than usual.

Challenges me. It is not me if i'm not challenge you back~

Because what i got to realize now, is that..
i ain't died!

I swear i’m trying, harder, everyday. Assuming that work day is a holiday, the office is like a land of party, and the co-workers are like the member of hobby group. I’m trying to do it differently. Just because i dont want to make it common. Because i hate common thing.

As soon as possible, you should find your own passion. Link your heart with your job. If it linked, you’re both are compatible. But if it doesnt work, i suggest you to find the right thing to link it.

If you’re both linked, but the world challenges you to catch your big dream, i dont know, maybe you got to do. The world has more than 1 billion person to be chosen. Just maybe~

i dont know, maybe its curhat or i'm in the case on build up my self or whatever.
it is holiday actually, so happy holiday <3>

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